I would like to deploy communicating thermostats where the end user can change their schedule from the keypad. It appears the tstat7 is the only one that has this ability.
I have looked at available tstat7 documentation and it is not clear the button sequence to make changes.
Yes, that was in the project scope in the beginning. It was getting a bit complex for the tiny keypad that we left it out of the menu system in the end. if it’s a big feature for you we could dust off the old code and have another crack at it.
From what I know the landlord would have to adjust the schedule. the user could override for an hour or so is all from the keypad. I have been working with a fellow on a mobile app that could offer some interesting options for tenants to edit their own setpts and schedules. maybe we can get his help to do one for multi tenant scenarios.
Edit: Here’s the link to the node-red solution Brent is working on. It would be easy to expand it to a multi tenant situation.
Maurice Duteau
I’m interested in this feature also (in fact, thought it was there when I bought the thermostats). Would be glad for an alternate firmware that enables this. I don’t think the limited number of buttons is a problem - there are many commercial non-networked thermostats with the same or fewer buttons that can do this, it just needs to be a sensible tree structure. The common use case here is where a resident or other tenant of a space wants to adjust their daily routine without needing to put in a request with the system operator.