I was setting up the termostat 10 and when i change the value °C to °F for room temp the value disappear.
Does anybody knows how to return the value?
We’re going to need a little more info than this. Show some screen shots or a photo please.
Havent seen that one before, Chelsea will report back tomorrow after the local holiday.
I was following one of your programs for this tstat10
And i got to say is a awsome device.
I used vars and pid to control the UP.
Then i integrated tstat10 into the Carrier i-vu.
I Just need what i wrote before the temp zone in the display
Tstat working like a champ:
Thanks maurice
I’ll be alert for the post
Hi maurice.
Giving it time to tstat 10 working
We realize the termostat every 5 min the display flashes like it turning off.
Since we start the whole installation we can’t find the device in baudrate76800. So we decrees to 9600 and found it. And ones we set it all we change the baudrate to 76800 to integration.
Ivu program found it but comm looses like when t3000 can’t find it.
Other baud rate speeds works good in both systems.
Any idea what could it be?
The baud rate of 76.8k was added a loooong time ago, updating the firmware is a good bet.
For tricky communications problems like you describe you will need a tool to capture packets and study the communications flow. We use paid tools called docklight and ModbusPoll but there are many free ones out there. Modbus Poll has a limited free version.
Update: I checked with Chelsea on the ‘first line showing blank’ issue repeated below here for reference. She says to check the ‘first line’ setting in the Tstat10 advanced setup screen of T3000. There is a parameter there to select what will show on th first line of the display, in1, in10, var20, etc. Make sure its got something meaningful there.
The reason for this is that the range of the LCD display content is set to unused.
You can solve this problem by changing the LCD display content in the Tstat10 setting interface.
As shown in the screenshot below, change the range of the parameter you want to display to the correct unit.
You were right Lijun
It worked