Getting started with the Tstat7

I am new to Temco products/systems.

I have a set of existing deployed Tstat7s in a working environment that I need to poll (data/settings) from my software, via modbus RTU.
They are running a basic schedule and no Control Basic as far as I can tell.

I have Temco’s XLS file with the Tstat8 Modbus registers and I have the T3000 software up and running, connected to one of the thermostats to start to understand how the Tstat7 works.

One example that is confusing me:
Via modbus, I am reading starting at register 341, for 15 registers.
Values in black image blow. Some appear as degrees F (#341=68) but some appear as decidegrees (#345=768)?
But then comparing it to what I see in T3000… gets confusing. Am I missing something?
Can you point me in the right direction with knowledge or specific pages in the T3000 PDF to help make sense of what I am seeing?
Thank you for your time and effort in advance!

Register definitions from the Temco registers Excel sheet:

T3000: “Schedule button” for same unit:

T3000: “Settings tab” (for same unit):