AirLab "all-in-one" and Lux values

Hi, with the AirLab “All-In-One” version (PM2.5 Particle Sensor, Clock, Temperature, Humidity, CO2, TVOC,OCC,Light Sensor,Sound Sensor) we have a doubt on Lux value.
We can read from register 628 the value, i.e. 30, but this value seems too low, it should be over 3-400. How to read the lux correctly?

There have been some firmware updates, I know light and sound were not reporting correctly but now should be better. There’s also a different method now of reporting the air particles. We learned the air quality industry they will combine all particles of a particular size and smaller, so when you see a PM2.5 number that includes particles in the 2.5 and 1.0 bin sizes totaled together. Similarly, a PM10 number includes all the particles in bin sizes 1.0 on up to 10.0, the sum of all these bins. When you do the firmware update the new summing method is used.

You can update the firmware using our T3000 application which you can download from the product pages, then go to T3000 → help → check for updates.


You can now also calibrate on the user interface, do that here in the INPUTS table further down.


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Thanks, I already updated my sensor to 11_2 version but the problem is still there:

Into the input configurations I can see these params:


Should I manage the calibration config for the Light param? Which value should I insert? I cannot find any documentation on that.
Many thanks

Replying while I am on the road here so not able to prepare more detailed instructions but basically you just type a value into the calibration field till the value matches your reference meter. You can change it from positive to negative in the ‘Sign’ column.
Edit: Here’s the screen shot, you need to add the calibration value here. The light sensor itself is located inside the enclosure towards the top PCB, the value it reads is rather a relative number, just to let you know that someone came in and turned the lights on after hours or it can be used for light harvesting. For doing a real lighting level survey you’ll want to get a proper stand along meter.

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