New project - new program

I have some very basic questions/problems that seem to be assumed knowledge and so are not covered in any documentation I have found

I want to create a new program for a new project (is that the same as a “Building”?) starting with a blank page.

With T3000 running and connected to a T3BB controller - and an old program loaded,
I tried File > New Project but nothing happens…?

Is there a way (how?) to create a new/blank program associated with a new “Building” ??
Is there a way (how?) to delete an old program to leave blankpages for all the sub-programs (1 to 16)??

I could save my current program under a new file name, and then laboriously clear all the old code from the sub-programs, but this seems ridiculous.

Are programs associated with buildings or are they independent?

thank you

Here’s a new building to get started at Tab1, this is mainly to set a folder (at Tab3) on your PC for storing graphics and programs for the new building. Its also the domain name or IP address of the remote site (at Tab2) for connecting later on.

Next step is to start programming the controllers whcih will be on this site. Here is a view of my current network situation, a few controllers are online. Its easiest to program with the live hardware but you can also program offline controllers.

In my screen shot I would select the Nano at Tab4 and clear it out at Tab5 if there happened to be garbage from earlier sessions, or if its a new device you dont have to do this step.

From there its a simple matter of entering in the inputs, outputs, variables and start programming the controller at Tab6.

As you work you can periodically save your work to a *.prog file using the file save-as function.

While preparing these notes I see what the default folder should be auto suggested to save the program file under your previously created ‘building’ folder. It’ll be best to keep all the programs for your project in the folder showing at Tab8.


Thanks for the information. Sorry I have been distracted for a while, but have some supplementary questions.

The T3000 program comprises 16 “sub programs” each with a maximum of 2500 bytes, so total program memory is 40kB - correct? As I understand, the only way to get extra program memory is to network another T3 controller - correct? (no memory expansion modules)

  1. Are REM statements included within the 2500 bytes. The byte count suggests they are - but they use a lot of memory
  2. Is the program compiled as part of uploading to T3-BB? or does the controller have a run-time compiler? With some systems the controller only has compiled logic, which joins up with REMs etc in the PC development environment - is that what we are dealing with?
  3. For any program, I can “Save as” to local PC or “upload” to controller. I can “Load” from PC memory, but I am not clear if/how I down-load from controller to PC - to ensure I edit current version. What happens to REMs?
  4. What does the File/Import… menu function do? Its not explained anywhere in the manual
  5. As noted in a separate post, I am planning to use either a local PC or a remote PC to access a single controller. The versions of the program saved on the two PCs could easily get out of sync with each other, but the program in the controller will always be the current version… Question: how to manage different versions and keep the PC versions in sync? Is the solution to down-load from the controller at the start of every editing session on either PC to be sure of working on the current version? Will REMs be included?

Thank you

Can anyone assist with these queries?

The T3000 program comprises 16 “sub programs” each with a maximum of 2500 bytes, so total program memory is 40kB - correct?

I would say yes, your assumption and math look correct.

The only way to get extra program memory is to network another T3 controller - correct? (no memory expansion modules)

Again, correct. You can break your logic into chunks and pass the results around the system using variables. If you’re using something like a T3-Nano with no IO, you can use the inputs and outputs as variables as well.

  1. Are REM statements included within the 2500 bytes.

For sure, REM statements take space.

  1. Is the program compiled as part of uploading to T3-BB? or does the controller have a run-time compiler?

T3000 has an interpreter running, it checks the code for syntax and breaks it down to tokens which are then sent on to the T3 controllers. The controllers themselves do not have an interpreter.

  1. For any program, I can “Save as” to local PC or “upload” to controller. I can “Load” from PC memory, but I am not clear if/how I down-load from controller to PC - to ensure I edit current version. What happens to REMs?

The load and save functions in the editor are just for copying & pasting to the PC hard disk, the T3 controller is not involved in any of that. When you hit SEND, then the interpreted code is sent on to the T3 controller for executing.

  1. What does the File/Import… menu function do? Its not explained anywhere in the manual

The file load and save functions are for sure documented, its for saving the entire T3 controller program, the inputs, outputs, vaiables, PIDs, floorplans, alarms and so on to the PC hard disk. Use it to back up your work while configuring a T3 controller. If you run into problems or have to replace the controller you can get back to where you were by ‘re-loading’ the program.

  1. How to sync two PCs?

You would have to do that manually. Go to file save as on each of them and save the latest version of your program. This doesn’t affect what’s going on inside the T3 controller in any way. This simply affects the files stored as backups on each of the PCs.

Thank you Maurice.

I understand the File/Load and Save functions - thank you. What does File/import do?

I gather there is no way to “read-back” or retrieve the current program running in the T3 - correct?


I am not flamiliar with the File Import you mention, perhaps its something our team was experimenting with on the database backend, importing from a database. Show a screen shot and I can explain it better.

To ‘read back a device’, just do the file- > save as operation. Everything in that particular controller will be dumped into the *.prog file on your hard disk. Inputs, outputs, variables, PIDs, floorplans, programming, schedules. Everything running on the device is ‘read back’ and saved to the hard disk.

Refer to Page 74 of T3000 manual - Menu Items and Tree - section 2, subheadings 2.1 and 2.2.

There are 5 options under the FILE menu: New Project, Save as… Load, Import… Exit

New Project and Import are “grayed-out” if no T3 controller is connected

Load, Save & Exit are explained/obvious. The Import function is not described - in fact the word “Import” does not appear anywhere in the manual.



Ariel will fix this, the help system is long overdue for an update.