Customize TSTAT10 display

I would like to customize my TSTAT screen.

Found out how to change the text/value for the 3 data row, but was wondering if it’s possible to make them read only.

Also find out how to hide the icon/scrolling text, but is it possible to change the text for the scrolling data? And is it possible to customize the ICON?

Also is it possible to have more than 3 row of data displaying ?


There’s not a lot of cusomizing you can do regarding what is showing on the display. These are mainly aimed at commercial buildings so we havent developed a lot of features. If you have something you’d like to see there we can work on it.

  1. Would like to have an option to make VAR2/3 Read only
  2. Would like to either add 2 DATA ROW, to have a total of 5 variable or be able to change the “rotating” text content
  1. VAR2 and 3 can be made read only using a program. The values you want to be write protected can be in say, VAR4 and 5. The program just goes VAR2 = VAR4 and VAR3 = VAR5. The user cannot adjust VAR4 and 5 but can see VAR2 and 3 on the display. Adjusting with the keypad will have no effect due to the program overwriting the changes.

  2. Rotating Text: You’re right, we need some features for what shows up in the rotating display. We’ll check into more lines as well.

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