Hi @maurice and @chelsea!
I’m not succeed with writing holding registers for a few Danfos devices.
AK CC 550A (ID:111)
I can read and WRITE register:
REG1012: Defrost start ->1
I can read register and can’t write1:
REG116: Main Switch ON → 1 / OFF → 0
10 REM 11.111.MB_REG1012 = VAR10
20 WAIT 00:00:02
30 VAR11 = 11.111.MB_REG1012
40 REM 11.111.MB_REG116 = VAR15
50 WAIT 00:00:02
60 VAR16 = 11.111.MB_REG116
VLT FC51 (ID:1)
I can read registers. But I can’t write them.
REG49999: Run ->1148/ Stop → 1048
REG50009: Frequency 100% → 16384 / 0% → 0
10 REM 11.1.MB_REG50009 = VAR1
20 WAIT 00:00:02
30 VAR2 = 11.1.MB_REG50009
40 REM 11.1.MB_REG49999 = VAR5
50 WAIT 00:00:02
60 VAR6 = 11.1.MB_REG49999
So only one thing that I can do it is send Danfoss AK-CC 550A to defrost.
//If I use another controller instead LB I can change all of those registers without any problems, but still prefer to use LB.
Do you have any ideas? any suggestion?
Thanx by the way!