Buttons: You can use the buttons to let the occupant change the ‘room setpoint’ which is just a variable maintained on the device, a separate controller would be responsible for reading and doing the controlling actions. The setpoint can also be written to at the end of the day to reset it to a default if you like, again the separate controller would be in charge of that.
Setpoint Device: Yes, that’s the purpose of the display and buttons. Hit the rightmost button to start the setpoint adjustment mode, then the center two buttons will notch the setpoint up & down. You can connect to the device with our T3000 software and see many settings so do be sure to check that out, it can be downloaded from the product pages.
Calibration: There’s internal heat gain from the electronics, be sure to do all your calibration and testing with the sensor mounted on a wall away from drafts.
Registers: Please check the registers using our T3000 application, navigate to T3000 → tools → registerviewer and there you can see a list of all the registers and their current values. Temperature should definitely be there.
5: C02: On some models there is a C02 sensor on board, you can open up the case and see a black or in early models a gold C02 sensor in there, quite large.
6: AQ Measurements: AQ is measured by a silicon nanotechnology based broad spectrum sensor element which responds to many common indoor air pollutants. It is manufactured by Sensirion, you can read more about it here.