Water level sensor ideas

I’m going to try Temco’s fluid level sensors for my 300 gallon rain tanks that are used for irrigation (also going to be controlled by the T3000 Water and Liquid Level Tansmitter

I’m looking for an ultrasonice type 4-20ma water level sensor for my 100 feet deep water wells to monitor level. Right now I can only estimate remaining water well capacity is to count gallon usage against time (I know about how much we can use before we run them out), but would like a more accurate reading.

I guess for the 100ft well, if the pressure sensor isnt a good fit you could pick something off aliexpress and we’ll include it in the next shipment heading your way. Something with an analog output if you can find one. I2C I guess could work, the latest HUM sensors have threee I2C ports and we could do a driver to work with those ultrasonics, perhaps.

Thanks Aaron.

I didn’t think about using the Temco 10 meter (30 feet) one, It would show full until the water goes below 30 feet and then would start to drop. I’m sure the water never goes all the way up the well anyway, it’s always way down in there. Alright I’ll order 2 of those with the smaller ones for the rain tank.