Tstat10 Icons

Hi Lijun,

Any update on this? We have had to install a switch to switch between the old thermostat control signals and the TStat10 so that when a service technician comes by, they can check operation of the equipmen by switching to the old thermostat. It is proving father embarrassing in dealing with our customers and if this continues much longer they are going to ask us to remove the thermostat.


Jason Kania

Hi Jason,

We are working hard to do it, this function requires firmware and host computer update at the same time, both sides need more communication and cooperation. It will be done soon now. Thank you for your patience.

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Hi Lijun,

Thanks for confirming that this is being worked on. When you have documentation for this, we would be happy to review it for clarity.



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Hi Lijun,

Do you have an ETA for this work?



Getting close…! Fandu will report back shortly.

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Hi Maurice,

Any update on this?



please update latest firmware rev64.6 and T3000.exe. We have added support for icons, Array1, can be accessed from your programs as AY1[ x ], this is a special reserved array for the icons on a Tstat10, is used to control display ICONs.

AY1[0] → DAY or NIGHT 0:NIGHT 1:DAY 3: blank ICON
AY1[1] → OCC or UNOCC 0:UNOCC 1:OCC 3: blank ICON
AY1[2] → HEAT or COOL 0:COOL 1:HEAT 3: blank ICON
AY1[3] → FAN 0: FAN-OFF 1: FAN1 2:FAN2 3:FAN3

Note: The rest of the arrays are there for your programs, test it out and send some feedback. I realize next step would be to support something in a FOR / NEXT loop so you can do something useful with them in a loop.


Hi Chelsea,

Can you please add to this response which icons we should see for each setting just to confirm? Alternatively, please update the documentation.

Also, as asked on November 23rd, is there any documentation or update on the keypad interactions? This is what has been causing pain for our customers and limiting our rollout options.

Lastly, the update revision jumped from 64.1 to 64.6. Where are the intermediate revisions documented?



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Sorry about bad documents, we will try to make it better.
About skipped revisions, we have multiple products always using one code base so the version records may not be continuous.

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Hi Chelsea,

Thanks for the update. I was looking for the individual button images for each state so we could document this for our customers.

I had also asked the following:
“Also, as asked on November 23rd, is there any documentation or update on the keypad interactions? This is what has been causing pain for our customers and limiting our rollout options.”

What we need to understand in this regard is:

  1. How do the buttons interact with the values? Is it as simple as values are incremented and decremented and enumerated values are toggled? A more detailed description than “increase value” and “decrease value” would be helpful.
  2. How can the software know that a button has been pressed? Are there any events of any sort or are the buttons simply asynchronously changing values? For example, we would like to know when the thermostat values have been modified to let our backend learn preferences.
  3. We would like to be able to use a button combination to lock and unlock the keypad to prevent changes for those who do not know the sequence. Is there anything that could provide that functionality?



You have full programmatic control over what the buttons do so with a bit of work you can lock a user out. Here’s one to lock out the setpoint adjustment buttons for example.

40 … other logic to do somethign with REALSET here.

Here’s an example to limit the setpoint between a max of 75 and min of 70. Put this line near the end of your program to overide all the earlier logic.

100 SETPT = MAX( MIN( 75 , SETPT ) , 70 ) )

I would gladly sponsor you to udapte our documents regarding the display, you are probably more knowledgable on this topic than we are. If you are up for it let’s talk by email.

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I cannot find documentation on the use of register 564 (scroll bar control) or how to capture button actions programmatically. Can you please point me the right direction? Thank you

Sorry, The screenshot on the previous document misled you. We have updated our document and the scroll bar of Tstat10 is not controllable.

Thank you for the clarification. I like what you have done with the control of the icons. Is the code you developed to do this in what is currently available on github?


Hi Chelsea,

Is the code in Github for the ESP32 reflecting these changes that you have made. I do not see current updates at all for these changes there (GitHub - temcocontrols/T3-programmable-controller-on-ESP32)?



Chelsea doesnt push to github all that often, feel free to push her to push more.

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Hi Chelsea,

Can you push the latest ESP32 code for the TStat10 to GitHub? I would like to get some ESP32 based thermostats and contribute but need up to date code available to work with.



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We will add this feature to ESP version soon. we only add it to ARM for now.

Hi Chelsea,

When do you think you will have parity between the ESP32 and ARM versions? I ask because there is no point in us trying to use it if there are differences and they are not published.



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Hi Chelsea
I apologize for my slow response. Would it be possible to use a value in AY1 to identify which icon you wish to display in a screen location. 0=blank, 1=day, 2=night, 3=OCC, 4=UNOCC, 5=HEAT, 6=COOL etc. We could then put the value for the icon we wish to display in AY1[0], AY1[1], AY1[2], and AY1[3]. This would allow us to display any icon in any of the 4 screen locations and allow for the simple addition of additional icons in the future if desired. Thank you for your hard work and I apologize again for taking so long to look at this feature and provide feedback.

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