Hello all,
I am having an issue with the relative humidity and temperature transmitter (specifically HUM C - Temco Temp and RH Transmitter). I am using an RS485 to USB converter to connect this unit to a data logger (Congrego - Congrego Data Logger).
I am able to poll both of these values and the settings are correct for receiving the data, however less than 50% of the polls are receiving a value from the transmitter:
Modbus Polling Settings:
- Baud Rate: 115200
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Handshake: None
Temperature Polling:
- Register Polled: Holding Register
- Register Address: 101
Relative Humidity Polling:
- Register Polled: Holding Register
- Register Address: 304
Any ideas what might be causing this issue? Potentially I am missing something very simple.
Either way, thank you for your help and your time,
. James