If both controllers are temco controllers why not use the intrinsic method.
10 VAR1 = 12VAR2
This program is running on panel3 and will read variable 2 from panel 12. There can be any sort of logic on panel12 controlling var2, and additional logic on Panel3 var1 to act on the variables.
Going a step further you dont even need the local VAR1 on panel3, you can just use 12VAR2 in your logic directly on panel3.
This intrinsic approach is the recommended method for sharing data and performing actions between remote controllers.
try this if you are forced to use MODBUS. Fandu and Chelsea have some good articles spread around the form that are helpful.
20 3.31.MB_REG8110 = VAR4 / 65536
30 3.311.MB_REG8111 = VAR4 * 1000 % 65536 / 1000
50 VAR1 = ( 3.31.MB_REG8150 * 65536 + 3.31.MB_REG8151 ) / 1000
I have also discovered that you may not get the results you expect if you are using the same communication path to monitor the results that you are using to connect the units. I believe this may be because the T3/T10 automatically detects another MODBUS master and switches to slave mode which affects the ability to message but I have not verified this.
I spent a lot of time explaining and troubleshooting the master-slave settings, so I asked the team to make all devices automatically switch between master and slave based on the situation. We have updated both the T3000 and T3 firmware to enable this auto changeover.
The setting is still available for backward compatibility, but it no longer appears in the T3000 user interface. Any T3 programmed to poll slave devices will function as a master, while the devices being polled will act as slaves. Devices can operate as both masters and slaves. Its up to the user to manage the number of masters on a given subnetwork, the more masters you have the greater the chance for packet collisions.
This should work:
70 VAR39 = 13VAR1
80 VAR42 = 13IN9
We need to figure out why its not working for you. Double check the panel ID for each device. Keep in mind that every device on the subnet has a panel ID, including the T3 controllers and the Tstat10 devices. Check the network points table to see what is going on with the network points in your system.
And going a step further, you dont even need to poll with the local vars, VAR39 and VAR42. Its a good troubleshooting technique, to make sure the data is flowing but you can use 13VAR1 and 13IN9 in your programs on any controller in the system directly.
This is a very basic feature of the system, you should NOT have to mess with modbus registers, floating point math, and assinging data to local vars in order to share info between controllers.
Fandu will double check this is working properly and share some screen shots for you tomorrow.
Will do more test tomorrow once the T10 are connected. I use the VAR39/42 for testing purpose, easier for troubleshooting. Once I get it to work will use the remote panel directly