I have a Tstat10 WIFI that is connected to a T3_BB via a WIFI router. I am attempting to use the Tstat10 WIFI to read register values using MODBUS from the T3_BB. I can access both devices using the T3000 software via the network, however, the Tstat10 appears to only use the RS485 port for MODBUS messages. How do you force the Tstat10 to use MODBUS TCP and the WIFI port to access other devices.
Check this post on ‘Network Programming’, if we’re missing some info there let me know and we’ll add it. That said, why not use the intrinsic method, you just refer to remote points by their panel ID and the point number,
10 VAR1 = 10VAR2
Where VAR1 is the local variable on the controller where the program is running.
And 10VAR2 is variable number 2 on the panel with ID = 10