Can you please check the registers of the T3E-22 and update the list?
The list of registers showing here https://assets.temcocontrols.com/products/bacnet_and_modbus_io_modules/brochure_pdf/BacnetModbusModules2.pdf
do not match 100% with the ones found in the register viewer of the T3000 software, and after trying to see what is what using mpoll, that does not match 100% either.
Also please explain what triggers the LEDS on or off when the inputs are configured to read thermistors. On one of the units that I bought the first 11 LEDS are on all the time, and the other 11 are off.
This is how the inputs are configured.
Ariel will check the documents, the register list is often changing so the documentation goes stale quickly. The best resource for working with the register list is from T3000 → Tools → Register Viewer.
And another resource is the modbus register list database which is on your hard disk after installing T3000, on my PC its located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\T3000\ResourceFile\RegistersListDB.mdb. You can open it with Microsoft Access or Excell. It contains the latest and most up to date documentation on modbus registers for all our products.