Be sure to set up a trend log to watch the action over time, if you see short cycling loosen up the P term by making it larger (Big P = Lazy PID). Once you have the system fairly stable add some I term.
The trend log is set up as follows. Add the items to be trended at Tab7 and set the trend interval at Tab8. Notice this device has no SD card so we’ll only be able to see trend logs from while T3000 is open on this trend. If we add an SD card the data will be logged to the SD card. The trend log interval is at 10 seconds here which is more than necessary for the debugging phase. Once everything is commissioned you’ll want to reduce this to 10 minutes or so, otherwise your SD card will fill up fast and it’ll take forever to download the logs for viewing.
You can set the input to manual mode and watch the fan speed change. Dont forget to set it back to auto when you’re done.